Out in the community or your own home. LumaWell has you covered

It’s all about you!

Our 1:1 supports are all about you. We work closely with you to create a tailored support plan that focuses on building your capacity, achieving your goals, and enhancing your overall wellbeing. Whether you're aiming to learn a new skill, participate in community activities, or improve your daily living skills, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way.

Empowering your journey towards independence

The sky's the Limit: pursue your passions!

We believe in making dreams a reality. Whether you have a specific passion like fishing, bird watching, or rock collecting, or if you simply want to explore new experiences, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your desires. Your imagination sets the boundaries, and we're here to facilitate and support your chosen activities.

Let’s Talk About Your Support Needs