Giving carers a well deserved break

Life can be demanding, and everyone deserves a moment to recharge, explore, and embrace new experiences. LumaWell's Respite Services are designed with your unique needs in mind, offering a versatile range of options that cater to diverse situations.

We’re here for care givers

We recognise the dedication of parents and carers who tirelessly support their loved ones. Our Respite Services offer a temporary break, allowing parents and carers to rejuvenate and recharge while we provide attentive care in a familiar environment.

Emergency respite: swift and reliable support

Unforeseen events can disrupt daily routines, requiring immediate assistance. Our Emergency Respite ensures participants' safety and wellbeing during unexpected situations, providing peace of mind for participants and their families.

Your home away from home

Sometimes, all you need is a change of scenery. Our Respite Services allow you to simply unwind and relax away from your usual environment, giving you the chance to recharge and return with renewed energy.

Flexible stays, personalised plans

With LumaWell Respite Services, the possibilities are endless. Whether you require a short 2-3 day break or an extended fortnight stay, our team is here to collaborate with you and create a customised plan that meets your preferences and needs.

Let’s Talk About Your Support Needs